

  The bellow photos are not a Movie Shooting or Celebrating a festival with crackers... its a school in Gaza ..  this is the current situation of the innocent people in Gaza !   Make sure you read till last to know what is  white phosphorus ! and the effect!       ( UNRWA SCHOOL IN BEIT LAHIA, GAZA , PALESTINE ) "S uccess is never permanent.  F ailure is never final".    ALLAH SAYS IN QURAN (Verses 18-19)   Address the unbelievers, warning the Quraysh not to attempt another attack, telling them they will again be defeated no matter how much more numerous they are than the Muslims .  (Verses 20-30)   then address the Muslims again, exhorting them to faith and reminding them how Allah gave them victory at Badr despite the enemy's superior numbers (v. 26). The unbelievers may plot and plan, but "Allah is the best of plotters" ---  THE HOLY QURAN (v. 30).

[22nd Dhul-Hijjah] Shaykh Abd al-Aleem Siddiqui al-Qadiri Meerathi (Alaihir RaHma)

  Shaykh is resting at the feet of Umm al-Mo'mineen Sayyidah Ayesha Siddiqah in Jannat al-Baqee. My heart yearns to show it’s bleeding scars And to teach everyone on earth the laws Which might make blessed life’s u This is my yearning and this is my aim This is my intention and this is my claim With this I yearn to scan the globe And deliver to humanity the message of Hope (An extract from a poem by Mawlana Shah Abdul Aleem Siddiqui written in his college years) Blessed Birth “Roving Ambassador of  Islam ”, Mawlana ‘Abd al-'Alīm Siddiquī al-Qadirī Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho was born on 15th Ramadan 1310 Hijrī in Meeruth, India. He hails from the noble Siddiquī family who are direct descendants of Ameer al-Mo'minīn Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Al-Siddique Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho in the 37th generation. The Spiritual Chain of Succession / Spiritual Genealogy 1. Hadrat Muhammad Mustapha Sallallahu Alaihe wassallam 2. Hadrat Ali Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anho 3. Hadrat Hasan Radi Allahu Ta...

[25th Dhil-Hajj] Abu al-Moghith al-Hussayn Ibn Mansur al-Hallaj (Radi Allahu Anho)

  Sayyiduna Shaykh Mansoor Al-Hallaj Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho This is the story of Sayyiduna Hussain Ibn Mansur al-Hallaj who was born in Madina al-Bayda, a little village in the ancient province of Fars, in southern Persia, in the year 224 A.H./857 C.E., two years before his Master Sayyiduna Junaid al-Baghdadi, may Allah be pleased with them both. He grew up in Wasit and in Tustar where the cultivation of cotton was the main occupation of most of the people. His father was a cotton-carder from which he gained his name of al-Hallaj . Even when he was a young child Sayyiduna Mansoor al-Hallaj felt drawn towards a spiritual life, and at the age of sixteen he attached himself to the Shaykh Sahlat-Tustari whom he accompanied when he moved from Tustar to Basra in `Iraq. He served this Shaykh for two years and then, when he was eighteen years old, he left him and went to Baghdad. However, the young Hallaj did not stay long in Baghdad, and soon returned to Basra where he became a student o...