The bellow photos are not a Movie Shooting or Celebrating a festival with crackers... its a school in Gaza .. this is the current situation of the innocent people in Gaza ! Make sure you read till last to know what is white phosphorus ! and the effect! ( UNRWA SCHOOL IN BEIT LAHIA, GAZA , PALESTINE ) "S uccess is never permanent. F ailure is never final". ALLAH SAYS IN QURAN (Verses 18-19) Address the unbelievers, warning the Quraysh not to attempt another attack, telling them they will again be defeated no matter how much more numerous they are than the Muslims . (Verses 20-30) then address the Muslims again, exhorting them to faith and reminding them how Allah gave them victory at Badr despite the enemy's superior numbers (v. 26). The unbelievers may plot and plan, but "Allah is the best of plotters" --- THE HOLY QURAN (v. 30).